Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are u .018 or .022 slot orthodontist?

Everyone who worked with me knows I'm an advocate of .018 slot yet in this particular case i chose a .022 slot. So let's open it 4 discussion which slot do u prefer and why?


  1. hi dr. yes you convinced me to work with the 18 slot in one of our previous discussions and I find it now much better. it gives me earlier torque control, and faster and more controlled finishing.
    however, in orthognathic surgery cases, I prefer the 22 slot which allows me to put a 19*25 st.st. wire immediately before the surgery for better stabilization. Also in fixed functional cases, I use 22 slot for the same reason.

    1. Yes Dr. Mais ur rite... i will b posting the wire play in .018 and .022 slot for different wire sizes. However, with .018 u expect longer alignment phase plus the .016x.022 is not very stiff for sliding mechanics
