Friday, October 30, 2015

Journal of clinical orthodontics interview about torque was 40 years ago!!

Did you get the message Dr. Creekmore tried to deliver in the posted interview? Or was it 2 hard to grasp all of his thoughts? we need to explain it more? Did torque control in recent years change since the 70s?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Torque control and orthodontic bracket slot size

check this out,


Finishing in orthodontics and torque control

Proper buccolingual inclination is essential to provide better esthetics, stability and functional occlusal stability. That has been said, I will leave you with Dr. Thomas Creekmore and an important interview discussing Torque.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are u .018 or .022 slot orthodontist?

Everyone who worked with me knows I'm an advocate of .018 slot yet in this particular case i chose a .022 slot. So let's open it 4 discussion which slot do u prefer and why?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Let's practice with an orthodontic case presentation

I will share with you one of my old cases, i want you to analyse the data and formulate the problem list, objectives, ttt plan and your choice of the appliance and how you will apply it. Your contribution is valuable.

Friday, October 23, 2015

How to present an orthodontic case

The most important thing is how you prepare and present your case, a treatment plan that shows only an extraction or non- extraction choice is not sufficient to treat the case. We have to treat the patient with the end in mind, so, I added this guide to case presentation which if we follow the treatment will be easier and smoother.

A new day in clinical orthodontics

Welcome to my blog, here we will share our knowledge, thoughts and our experience in treating orthodontic patients.